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2023 Open House

Oct 12, 2023

All prospective students and their families are invited to York Tech for an Open House from 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 2, 2023. During the event, attendees will be able to tour the high school, learn more about our 26 technical programs, speak with instructors and current students, and become familiar with York Tech’s many extracurricular and academic options.

Additionally, staff from our Adult & Continuing Education Center will be on hand to assist those interested in pursuing educational opportunities beyond high school.

We hope to see you there!


Todos los futuros estudiantes y sus familias están invitados a York Tech para una jornada de puertas abiertas de 6 a 8 p. m. el jueves 2 de noviembre de 2023. Durante el evento, los asistentes podrán recorrer la escuela secundaria, aprender más sobre nuestros 26 programas técnicos, hablar con instructores y estudiantes actuales y familiarizarse con las numerosas opciones académicas y extracurriculares de York Tech.

Además, el personal de nuestro Centro de Educación Continua y para Adultos estará disponible para ayudar a aquellos interesados en buscar oportunidades educativas más allá de la escuela secundaria.

¡Esperamos verte ahí!

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Fuel Your Future

York Tech has been helping to shape students' futures since 1969. If you think we might be a good fit for you, be on the lookout for more information about our annual Open House in November. In the meantime, we welcome the chance to answer your questions, so don't hesitate to reach out!

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