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New Partnership

Nov 16, 2023

We are proud to announce that we've partnered with Family First Health to provide additional resources for our students. Sandra Frecon, a community health worker with Family First Health, will be available once a week in the high school office to provide the following health-related services.

  • Medical/dental enrollment and coordination of appointments

  • Insurance eligibility assessments

  • Food insecurity assistance

  • Housing insecurity assistance

  • Scholarship program for medical assistants (MA)

  • Family First Health employment opportunities

Students who wish to take advantage of these services should visit Ms. Frecon in the high school office on Mondays between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Alternatively, parents and caregivers of current students may contact her at

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Estamos orgullosos de anunciar que nos hemos asociado con Family First Health para brindar recursos adicionales a nuestros estudiantes. Sandra Frecon, trabajadora de salud comunitaria de Family First Health, estará disponible una vez a la semana en la oficina de la escuela secundaria para brindar los siguientes servicios relacionados con la salud.

  • Inscripción médica/dental y coordinación de citas.

  • Evaluaciones de elegibilidad para seguros

  • Asistencia para la inseguridad alimentaria

  • Asistencia por inseguridad habitacional

  • Programa de becas para asistentes médicos (MA)

  • Oportunidades de empleo en Family First Health

Los estudiantes que deseen aprovechar estos servicios deben visitar a la Sra. Frecon en la oficina de la escuela secundaria los lunes entre las 8 a. m. y las 3 p. m. Alternativamente, los padres y cuidadores de estudiantes actuales pueden comunicarse con ella en

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Fuel Your Future

York Tech has been helping to shape students' futures since 1969. If you think we might be a good fit for you, be on the lookout for more information about our annual Open House in November. In the meantime, we welcome the chance to answer your questions, so don't hesitate to reach out!

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